Romance Tips

A Snuggler’s Delight

When people take trips to other countries, they typically bring back some items that will remind them of their visit. One of our most romantic possessions comes from such a trip.

When Athena and I were traveling in Guatemala a few years ago we spent a couple hours in the local crafts market. We aren’t much into “things” that simply gather dust on a bookshelf. If we ever buy items on our trips, it is usually something that is more practical in nature, not just something to stare at.

There is was, a brightly colored, hand woven hammock. It was quite large, wide enough for the both of us to lay in comfortably (although we are snugglers so we tend to get very close to each other).

When the weather is being supportive, Athena and I will go take an afternoon nap in our Guatemalan hammock. Sometimes we will bring a glass of lemonade (with flexible straws) and some cookies to snack on while we lounge in our swinging mattress, sharing our joys and woes with each other. A radio adds some rhythm to swing with.

Learn the SecretHow to go down on a woman so she's begging for more!

A hammock for two. What a terrific invention.

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Michael Webb

Michael Webb is the best-selling author of The Virtuoso Lover, 1000 Questions for Couples and 500 Lovemaking Tips & Secrets.

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