Romance Her With Anticipation
Have you ever planned a special trip and bought a guidebook or video about the place you were going to visit and got so excited by reading about or seeing pictures of where you were heading?
Daily reminders of an upcoming excursion can make one anxious and eager. Likewise, by sending reminders of a specially planned event to your sweetheart, you can multiply the anticipation and enjoyment of the occasion.
If the event is going to be more romantic in nature then think of some romantic items to entice him or her with. Roses and pieces of chocolate smell of romance. On each day about a week before the special date deliver, mail or hide a piece of chocolate or a single rose or other romantic gift.
If you are poetic, try writing a verse to go along with each daily gift. If poetry isn’t your strength then write a simple line about how you are looking forward to this special date or trip you have been planning.
On one particular date I wanted to make really special, I bought a dozen roses a week before. Six days before our date I put half a dozen roses on her desk with a note mentioning I was looking forward to the grand event in six days. I did the same three days, two days and one day prior to the date.
A little hype can turn even the most average date into a special occasion. However, one must be careful not to over-hype an ordinary date. Otherwise, the date itself may be a let down.
If your trip or date is more fun in nature, send something festive each day. If it is a birthday party in the works, you could send a party hat one day, then birthday candles and a noise maker and so on.
For those who like to plan mysterious evenings or getaways, try sending clues throughout the week. An event that is planned well in advance could be promoted by offering weekly reminders beforehand.